Hello! Welcome to my blog.

Hi. I'm Myles Ditkoff. I am 18 years old and 6'4". I am from Keene, New Hampshire. I feel nervous but excited for this semester to start. I'm especially excited for my film related classes because that is what i love to do and so the classwork will be more fun for me to complete. I have been doing YouTube for 2 years making short action films with my friends. I have taken 5 film/media arts classes in high school and I want to continue to do that field throughout college.
My Major is a B.F.A. in Film and Media Arts. I hope to use my major to get a career in film doing something related to commercials or sports in some way.
I expect to get a better knowledge of illustrator and in-design out of this class. I know how to use Photoshop but I feel that this class will strengthen my skill with it. The class will help me to be better at graphic design which is a big role in film and could help me in my future career.


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